2024 Annual Meeting Minutes
are available:
Asbury Farm has become an increasingly beautiful part of the Mason City community. Located on the east side of town, it is close to grade schools, middle school, high school and the newly constructed
state of the art fieldhouse and pool. Governed by an HOA Board of Directors, Asbury has grown to over 200 resident homes, has 30 acres of common area of green space with walking paths, three
centrally located playgrounds with a shelter house at the main playground, a basketball court and ball diamond. Three of the connecting pathways lead to the newly constructed walking and bike trail
on Scrip Road providing a view of the Winnebago River. Asbury continues to grow with several lots still available in the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th subdivisions of Asbury.
Asbury Farm is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 11 volunteer homeowners.
Under the board are three major committees:
>Architectural Control Committee whose job is to maintain the architectural character and appeal of the Asbury community. Their forms and guidelines for new home builds and for any major renovations are updated and posted on the Asbury website. Residents are asked to always be in contact with this committee in regards to any major changes to their outdoor property.
>Grounds Committee strives to maintain the 30 acres of common area green space with any dead tree removal as well as new tree replacements. The grounds are maintained on a regular basis with mowing, fertilizing and weed control. Pathways continue to be looked at and repaired when needed. Members and their guests are asked to comply with the rule to clean up after their pets on all pathways, sidewalks, and common areas.
>Recreation Committee provides oversight management of the three playgrounds, managing the maintenance and scheduling of the ball diamond and use of the basketball court. Ball diamond reservations continue to be posted on the Asbury HOA Facebook page. Rules and regulations for the use of Asbury recreational facilities are posted on the Asbury website.
Asbury HOA strives to make use of technology to better inform their members through their official website, www.asburyhoamasoncity.org and through the Asbury HOA Facebook page.